- 10 FR Catheters
- 12 FR Catheters
- 14 FR Catheters
- 16 FR Catheters
- 18 FR Catheters
- 20 FR Catheters
- 22 FR Catheters
- 24 FR Catheters
- 3 Way Catheters
- 5 FR Catheters
- 7 FR Catheters
- Airway Exchange Catheters
- Angiocatheters
- Arterial Catheters
- Balloon Catheters
- Bardex Catheters
- Berman Catheters
- Biliary Catheters
- Bladder Catheters
- Central Line Catheters
- Closed System Catheters
- Condom Catheters
- Coude Catheters
- Council Tip Catheters
- Delee Catheters
- Dialysis Catheters
- Disposable Catheters
- Dover Catheters
- Drainage Catheters
- Embolectomy Catheters
- Epidural Catheters
- External Catheters
- Female Catheters
- Femoral Catheters
- Fogarty Catheters
- Foley Catheter Kits
- Foley Catheters
- French Catheters
- Groshong Catheters
- Hickman Catheters
- HSG Catheters
- Hydrophilic Catheters
- ICU Medical Catheters
- Indwelling Catheters
- Insemination Catheters
- Intermittent Catheters
- Intrauterine Catheters
- Intrauterine Pressure Catheters
- Irrigation Catheters
- IV Catheters
- Jelco IV Catheters
- Latex Catheters
- Latex Free Catheters
- Mahurkar Catheters
- Male Catheters
- Malecot Catheters
- Multi Lumen Catheters
- Mushroom Catheters
- Nelaton Catheters
- Non Hydrophilic Catheters
- Olive Tip Catheters
- Palindrome Catheters
- Pediatric Catheters
- Percutaneous Catheters
- Peripheral IV Catheters
- Peritoneal Catheters
- Pigtail Catheters
- Plastic Catheters
- Pleural Catheters
- Pleurx Catheters
- Polyurethane Catheters
- Pulmonary Artery Catheter
- Quinton Catheters
- Radial Artery Catheters
- Red Rubber Catheters
- Robinson Catheters
- Rubber Catheters
- Silicone Catheters
- Single Lumen Catheters
- Speedicath Catheters
- Straight Catheters
- Suction Catheters
- Suprapubic Catheters
- Swan Ganz Catheters
- Texas Catheters
- Thermodilution Catheters
- Thoracic Catheters
- Tiemann Catheters
- Triple Lumen Catheters
- Tunneled Catheters
- Umbilical Catheters
- Ureteral Catheters
- Urethral Catheters
- Urinary Catheters
- Vascular Catheters
- Venous Catheters
- Ventricular Catheters
- Whistle Tip Catheters
- Word Catheters
- Yueh Centesis Catheters
CIA Medical is a leading provider of medical and surgical supplies. We serve over 25,000 healthcare facilities worldwide. See our list of single lumen catheters and prices below. Order online, call us at (312) 275-5850, or get a 2-hour quote by filling the form on this page.
If you’re unable to locate a specific item on our website, please contact us at: sales@ciamedical.com or (312) 275-5850 and our sales and customer service team will promptly help you find it at the best price.
No matter the item's brand, type, or size, we can get it — even if backordered.
What Is a Single Lumen Catheter?
A single lumen catheter, as the name implies, is one that has just one lumen. A lumen, or channel, is the interior space inside the catheter tube which is used for transporting liquids, gases, or surgical devices in or out of the body during medical procedures.
Many catheters have multiple lumens, but there are uses for single lumen catheters, too. They can be used for suction, drainage, or transporting medicines into the body, and it's easy to spot a single lumen catheter due to the fact that it will have just one hole running all the way through the center of the tube.
Single lumen catheters are available in a wide range of types, sizes, materials, and colors. They can be made of polyethylene, polyurethane, and other materials and may be categorized into different types, such as single lumen Groshong catheters, single lumen central venous catheters, and single lumen umbilical catheters, too.

Argon Medical Devices #384358, Argon Midline Silicone Catheter, 18 G, 5/CS
$554.70 per CASE

Cardinal Health #8888160341, Argyle Polyurethane Umbilical Vessel Catheter, Single Lumen, 5 Fr/Ch (1.7 mm) x 15" (38.1 cm) 0.33 mL, 10/CS
$321.00 per CASE

Covidien #8888160333, Argyle Polyurethane Umbilical Vessel Catheter, Single Lumen, 3.5 Fr/Ch (1.2 mm) x 15" (38.1 cm) 0.15 mL, 10/CS
$275.82 per CASE

C.R. Bard #7617405, Single Lumen Groshong NXT ClearVue PICC, 4 Fr, Basic Tray w/o Microintroducer, 5/CS
$1,257.82 per CASE

Smiths Medical #21-4155-24, Catheter ProPort 8.5fr 76cm Single Lumen Polyurethane Ea
$405.74 EACH

Utah Medical #4185005, Umbili-Cath Polyurethane UVC Catheter, Single Lumen, 5.0 French, marked to 34 cm, 18 gauge, 10/BX
$143.86 per BOX
C.R. Bard #0602680, Catheter MRI Port Single Lumen 9.6Fr Ea
$2,104.27 EACH

Argon Medical Devices #384157, Argon First PICC Silicone Catheter, 18 G, 5/CS
$565.01 per CASE

Covidien #8888160333, Argyle Polyurethane Umbilical Vessel Catheter, Single Lumen, 3.5 Fr/Ch (1.2 mm) x 15" (38.1 cm) 0.15 mL, 10/CS
$239.01 per CASE

Utah Medical #4173505, Umbili-Cath Silicone UVC Catheter, Single Lumen, 3.5 French, Marked to 34 cm, 21 gauge, 10/CS
Call for Pricing

Smiths Medical #Z110N-14, Portex SuctionPro 72 Closed Ventilation Suction System, 14FR, Single Lumen, 20/CS
$433.56 per CASE

$915.42 EACH

$1,418.42 EACH
How Does a Single Lumen Catheter Work?
Since they only have one singular lumen, single lumen catheters are relatively simple in their mode of functioning. They can be inserted into various areas around the body, potentially through an opening like the urethra or through an incision into the skin, and fed into position. Once they are in place, they can be used to drain, suck, or transmit fluids or gases in or out of the body, as needed.
Single Lumen Catheter Sizes
Since there are various types of single lumen catheters and various ways in which these devices may be used, they can be found in a wide range of sizes. Some of the most common diameters range from 4 Fr up to 14 Fr, but it is possible to find smaller and larger sizes for different patients and purposes.
Single Lumen Catheter Types
There are different types of single lumen catheter. One example is Groshong catheters, which are designed to be inserted into major veins throughout the body to deliver medicines and IV fluids. There are also other kinds of single lumen central venous catheters that can be used to access different blood vessels for blood monitoring, blood samples, and delivering medicines.
Single Lumen Catheter Uses
There are many potential uses for single lumen catheters. They are most commonly used for delivering IV fluids and medicines into the body's bloodstream. This may be needed in many situations when patients are suffering from diseases and disorders or undergoing different medical procedures that require the use of IV fluids.
Single Lumen Catheter Suppliers
Some of the top suppliers of single lumen catheters include C. R. Bard, Covidien, Utah Medical, Smiths Medical, and Argon Medical Devices.
Buy Single Lumen Catheters at CIA Medical
If you’re looking for top quality single lumen catheters at the most competitive wholesale prices, CIA Medical is the place to be. We offer a huge range of high quality medical supplies for pharmacies, clinics, hospitals, and labs, with competitive pricing and professional service. Take a look at our full range and place your order today with CIA Medical.